

Mediterranean diet for heart health

The Mediterranean diet is a healthy-eating plan. It's plant based and incorporates the traditional flavors and cooking methods of the region. 
Mediterranean diet for heart health

Looking for a heart-healthy eating plan? The Mediterranean diet might be the right fit. 

Why the Mediterranean Diet? 

Interest in the diet began in the 1950s when it was discovered that heart disease was not as common in Mediterranean countries as it was in the US. Since then, numerous studies have confirmed that the Mediterranean diet helps prevent heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. 

What is the Mediterranean diet? 

The Mediterranean diet is a diet based on the traditional cuisine of Greece, Italy and other Mediterranean countries. Plant-based foods such as whole grain products, vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices form the basis of the diet. Olive oil is the main source of added fat. Fish, shellfish, dairy products and poultry are included sparingly. Red meat and sweets are eaten only occasionally.

Healthy fats instead of unhealthy ones.

Olive oil is the number one supply of brought fats withinside the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil affords monounsaturated fats, which lowers general ldl cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (or "bad") ldl cholesterol levels. Nuts and seeds additionally include monounsaturated fats. Fatty fish, consisting of mackerel, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon, are wealthy in omega-three fatty acids. These polyunsaturated fat assist combat irritation withinside the body. Omega-three fatty acids additionally assist lower triglycerides, lessen blood clotting, and decrease the danger of stroke and coronary heart failure. 

What about wine? 

Wine is often associated with the Mediterranean diet. It can be included but only in moderation. While alcohol may reduce the risk of heart disease, it has other health risks. 

The Mediterranean way Interested in trying the Mediterranean diet?

Get started with these tips: 

  • Build meals around vegetables, beans and whole grains.
  • Eat fish at least twice a week. 
  • Use olive oil instead of butter in preparing food. 
  • Serve fresh fruit for dessert. 

Living the Mediterranean way also means being physically active and sharing meals with loved ones. Savor the benefits!

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