

Best 4 Foods Will Help You Grow Thicker, Stronger Hair

 These foods will help you have grow stronger hair, say the toughest dermatologists. The beautiful locks are not just the result of an outstanding styling routine. 

Growing scientific evidence shows you can eat for stronger, thicker, and shinier hair. "Hair follicle cells are among the most metabolically active and have one of the highest cell turnover rates in the body," says a hair restorer and hair transplant surgeon. Calories or a deficiency in proteins, minerals, essential fatty acids and vitamins can lead to abnormalities in the structure and production of the hair fiber, changes in pigmentation and hair loss.


The Best Vitamins and Nutrients for Hair Growth.

Hair growth is most productive between the ages of 15 and 30 and can slow or change after the age of 40. Although there is no vitamin H to restart your hair, creating a menu that is rich in these nutrients will offer you the biggest benefits:

  • Protein
  • Iron
  • Vitamins A, C, D, and E
  • B vitamins
  • Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Magnesium

If Changing your diet is not enough, talk to your doctor. Hair loss or drastic changes in hair health can be a symptom of an internal illness, such as an underactive thyroid, liver tissue or an autoimmune disease such as lupus. such as giving birth, a death in the family, a new job, or moving. These triggers likely require a more diverse approach to treatment. But when you've ruled out more Serious conditions and you just want to build up and add shine. What you put on your plate matters. Here, dermatologists share the best hair growth foods that you should be eating on a regular basis.


1)    Nuts

When you stock up on enough calories and healthy fats, your muscles and heart will not only stay healthy. Research in a January 2015 study in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology showed that omega-3 and omega-6 Essential fatty acids can help reduce hair loss and promote hair growth. "Nuts like almonds or walnuts and coconut oil are natural emollients for the skin and hair follicles and moisturize the hair shaft and make it shiny. Nuts and seeds are also rich in B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and vitamin E. Vitamin E binds to selenium to keep cell membranes strong and provide antioxidant defense.

2)    Fatty fish 

Is important. "Sudden weight loss or low-protein, low-fat diets to lose hair and make it limp and unhealthy. Women need to consume about 50 grams of protein a day. , Vitamin D, omega-3 fats, and other hair-stimulating components (such as linoleum acid, an essential fatty acid) to nourish the skin and thicken the layer of fat around the hair follicle, resulting in healthier hair growth. “


3)    Spinach 

A favorite leafy green is also found in the iron-rich field. Spinach is one of the best vegan-friendly sources of iron, a nutrient that can help prevent hair loss. In addition to increasing iron levels, spinach is filled with folic acid in addition to vitamins A and C. "While vitamin C deficiency is rare in our society today, it is essential for the collagen synthesis and cross linking of keratin fibers that are created in the manufacture of hair fibers.

4)    Eggs 

Break It! "Eggs are a great source of protein and biotin, which are important for hair growth and health. Biotin keeps enzymes active to metabolize nutrients like fats and carbohydrates that nourish the hair follicles. Egg yolks in particular are high in vitamin D. It's important to get it through diet or supplementation because our bodies don't naturally produce it. A single large egg contains approximately 41 IU of vitamin D, or 10% of your daily value.


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Tag: alopecia in women, hair food.

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